After Exposure of an Impacted Tooth
Do not disturb the wound. If surgical packing was placed leave it alone. The pack helps to keep the tooth exposed. If it gets dislodged or falls out do not get alarmed.
Some bleeding or redness in the saliva is normal for 24 hours. Place moistened gauze pad over exposure site and bite on firmly. Repeat every 30-60 minutes for the first few hours. Do not leave gauze in while sleeping.
Swelling is a normal occurrence after surgery. To minimize swelling, apply an ice bag or a plastic bag or towel filled with ice cubes on the cheek in the area of surgery. Apply the ice 20 minutes on, 10 minutes off, as much as possible for the first 48 hours.
Drink plenty of fluids. Avoid hot liquids or food. Only liquids should be taken on the day of surgery. As swelling and discomfort decrease, return gradually to a normal diet, unless otherwise directed.
Medication will be prescribed on an individual basis and should be taken as directed.
Oral Hygiene
Mouth cleanliness is essential to good healing. Clean your mouth thoroughly after each meal beginning the day after surgery. Brush your teeth as best you can. Rinse with warm salt water (1/2 teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water) 4 times a day for one week. REMEMBER: A clean wound heals better and faster.
Keep physical activities to a minimum immediately following surgery. If you are considering exercise, throbbing or bleeding may occur. If this occurs, you should discontinue exercising.
If you have been placed on antibiotics take the medication as directed. Antibiotics will be given to help prevent infection. If you develop any rashes or side-effects from any of the medications prescribed by our office, please call our office immediately.
Helpful Information
Other Complications
If numbness of the lip, chin, or tongue occurs there is no cause for alarm. As stated before surgery, this is usually temporary in nature. You should be aware that if your lip or tongue is numb you could bite it and not feel it so be careful. Call Dr Casciato if you have any questions about this.
Slight elevation of temperature immediately following surgery is not uncommon. If the temperature persists, notify the office.
You should be careful going from the lying down position to standing. As you were not able to eat or drink prior to surgery, and it is difficult to take fluids, and taking pain medications can make you dizzy. You could get light headed when you stand up suddenly. Before standing up, you should sit for one minute then get up.
If the corners of your mouth are stretched, they may dry out and crack. Your lips should be kept moist with an ointment such as vaseline.
Sore throats and pain when swallowing are not uncommon. The muscles get swollen. The normal act of swallowing can then become painful. This should subside in 2-3 days.
Stiffness (Trimus) of the jaw muscles may cause difficulty in opening your mouth for a few days following surgery. This is a normal post-operative event which will resolve in time.
- Sutures are placed the area of surgery to minimize post-operative bleeding and to help healing. They will dissolve and fall out anywhere between 3 to 10 days after surgery.
- The pain and swelling should subside more and more each day following surgery. If your post-operative pain or swelling worsens or unusual symptoms occur call my office for instructions.
- There will be a hole where the tooth was removed. The hole will gradually fill in with the new tissue over the next month. In the mean time, the area should be kept clean especially after meals with salt water rinses.
- Your case is individual, no two mouths are alike. Do not take seriously well intended advice from friends. Discuss your problem with the persons best able to effectively help you: Dr. Casciato or your family dentist.
- Brushing your teeth is okay – just be gentle at the surgical sites.
- A dry socket is when the blood clot gets dislodged prematurely from the tooth socket. Symptoms of pain at the surgical site and even pain to the ear may occur 2-3 days following surgery. Call the office if this occurs.
- If you are involved in regular exercise be aware that your normal nourishment intake is reduced and exercise may weaken you. If you get light headed stop exercising.